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It's Christmas Eve
HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE. do you like my gingerbread man? i told my mom to give him a beard but she just gave him a white smile instead. he's wearing mittens, socks, and buttons with no shirt. so today, chau, uly, and i went to safeway to buy ingredients for chau's RedVelvetCake. it was more like bread with cheesy frosting but it was pretty good. I woke up this morning intending to build myself a miniature christmas tree and make mini ornaments to hang on it, but we went to Joann's Arts&Crafts and i decided that it was too complicated and i didn't want to spend so much money. instead, we got ready-cut cookie dough (it came in shapes of snowmen, trees, and stockings). but faggity safeway sold us packs of frosting already opened on the inside so.. anyway. chau's red velvet cake really was VERY RED. very very red. the cake part basically tasted like bread but the frosting was YUM-O. next on the cooking list for this break would be: Pasta & SushiArt. whoohoo!
So how was everybody's dinner? Mine was asian; chinese, to be specific. i hate how excited my dad gets over his own cooking everytime he comes home. his favorite dish today happened to have chicken (not surprised) and he was so proud of it he decided to make my vegetarian brother take a big whiff of it and was like "oh look what you're missing out on!!" gay.
well i'm too lazy to blog more right now.
24hrs of A Christmas Story on TBS tomorrow, watch it.
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